Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Our media product pretty much fits in with the typical conventions of real media products as it uses titles and opening credits like a  real opening would, presented over some establishing shots, followed by the title of the film. Also we have music over the begining of the opening, which sets the scene and aslo fits in to the codes and conventions of popular openings. After a few establishing shots the audience is introduced to the two protaginists. The fact that one of the characters is stroking a weapon and the gritty rough look of the establishing shots connote the genre of our film which is crime.

Our media product mainly represents the teenagers of today. This is made apparent by the age of the ators, as it is immediately obviouse that the actors are in their teens. However I think our film negativly represents them, as the story line of our film is riddled with drugs and crime; which we thought was an issue with some of todays teenagers. It also gives a slight insight into the lives of some teenagers, although it may be a little over dramatised. I think it also represents the working class in a way as the story is based in an estate and the actors in it were not dressed and did not speek like an upper class person would.

The type of media institution which would distribute our product would be a low budget, not particlary known company. For example 'Outsider films' or 'vertigo films' would be the type of company which would distribute a low budget film like ours; made soley for a UK audience. This is because of the films budget would not be big enough for major ditribution companies, whereas films such as harry potter would be able to be distributed to a lot of media outlets by Warner Brothers because their budget is so large.

Our target audience for our media product would mainly be for working class people roughly around the age groups of  15 - 25. This is because, like i mentioned before, the film consist mainly of young actors and a plot based around drugs and is set within a rough looking estate. This type of film would attract this type of audience; although a minority of other categorized audiences may be interested, this particular audience type would relate to to our film a lot more than other types of audience.

We attracted our target audience by clearly demonstrating the different aspects of our film within the first two minutes which would relate to them such as the setting, actors (accent, clothes ect) and the mise en scene used. Also by using unknown, new actors which would bring an element of surprise and originality. We wanted to draw the audience in quite quickly, therefore we did so by introducing many establishing shots to immediately set the scene, music that we thought would work well with the genre of our film and the scenes we had created, and most importantly the fact that there is a sequence of the two characters walking somewhere creating a sense of mystery and intrigue all leading up to a killing within the first two minutes. We aimed to build up tension within this opening scene by following the two characters. We wanted the killing to be quite shocking to the audience almost as if they were not expecting it. Also we aimed to give a sense of mystery as to her motive, and leave some unanswered questions, giving the audience an urge to watch the rest of the film.

I have got more familiar with the program imovie during the production of our media production. For example i have learnt how to import and export files from a camera to imovie, how to cut and edit scenes, how to add effects to each scene, how to add music to imovie, and how to import a film from imovie onto youtube. I have also learnt how to use a basic film camera although I was mainly acting in the film i filmed a couple establishing shots, where I learnt how to configure the camera.

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel i've learnt how to edit more efficiently to make the movie run more smoothly. also i feel i've progressed in my understanding of film terminologies and how they work, such as the 180 degree rule where the cameras used in the scene stay strictly on one side of the characters, otherwise it would cause confusion for the audience as it would seem as if the characters are changing positions to the audience. I have also learnt how to put together a much longer film than the preliminary task.

My role within the film making included being one of the two actors, and giving some good input into the group regarding camera shots and possible angles we could use. I helped with the editing of the film, for instance the part where he gets stabbed, it was hard to put together as we had to put two shots of me wearing different clothes together, but make it look acceptable at the same time. we had know time to re- film the shots so we had to work with what we had and that is why i am wearing a different coat when i get stabbed. I also filmed two of the establishing shots at the beginning of the film, including the one looking over the pathway high up, down at the gritty looking estate.

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